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Anaheim, California
5 Questions
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John Dec 09, 2020 827 views

What's a regular day working as an Anesthesiologist?

I would like to know about how stressful working as an Anesthesiologist is. Do you guys do really stressful stuff everyday? #anesthesiologist #medicine #doctor #anesthesiology #experience #stress

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John Dec 07, 2020 716 views

What are some good universities in Canada?

Hello, my friend and I have been thinking about going to Canada after we graduate from high school. For international students, what are some good universities in Canada that offer good medical and business courses? #nursing-school #high-school #business #Canada #University #College #Business...

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John Dec 05, 2020 970 views

What kind of major do you have to do during college to be an Anesthesiologist?

Hello, so I've been looking through questions that other people have asked about what it's like to be an Anesthesiologist or how to be an Anesthesiologist. I've seen some people say you only need to take classes like chemistry, biology, physics, calculus, and etc. and can major in something...

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John Dec 05, 2020 60656 views

What is the difference between an undergraduate and graduate?

Hello, I don't really know/understand what an undergraduate and graduate student is. #student #high school #high-school-students #college-student #undergraduate #graduate

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John Dec 03, 2020 1221 views

What’s the education needed to become an Anesthesiologist?

I am a 10th grader and have just gone through the process of planning out what I want to do for my next year in high school. I’ve been talking with my counselor about what path I want to take and have decided on Medical. I want to be an Anesthesiologist in the future but I do not know what...