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Rickie’s Avatar
Rickie May 26, 2016 2250 views

What are the best laptops to use for taking a graphic design course?

I will be studying Graphic Design this fall at Liberty University and I would like the best laptops to use before I go out and buy one. #graphic-design #graphics #web-design #graphic-designer #3d-graphics

kenley’s Avatar
kenley Oct 19, 2020 596 views

how much money do psychologist make annually

#psycology # #money #career

Eva’s Avatar
Eva May 17, 2016 1746 views

What type of things do Graphic Designers do?

I love the arts, and I think this would be one of the best career paths for me, but I'm not exactly sure what Graphic Designers do. I had the opportunity to be shown the studio of a graphic designer who mostly did cartoon characters, but I know there are different kinds of Graphic Designers, I...

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony May 20, 2016 1571 views

What type of skills does a Graphic Designer need to have or work on?

I'm a senior in high school that's taking a Web, Multi-Media & Design class. After learning a few things and seeing how much of graphic design is used all over the world I've become very interested in the field of study.As I continue my knowledge in this type of career I want to know what kind...

Eddie’s Avatar
Eddie Apr 02, 2016 4473 views

What is the difference between an Advertising Designer and a Graphic Designer?

I kind of know what is the difference between an advertising design and a graphic designer? Someone explain in the simplest terms as possible. Also, is one more stressful than the other? Or both of them is stressful? #design #graphic-design #advertising #graphic-designer

IAmGrootNotDuck’s Avatar
IAmGrootNotDuck May 15, 2017 1332 views

What are the best game design software?

I would like to know because I am looking forward to game development and/or graphic designing. #graphic-design

Pam’s Avatar
Pam Jan 26, 2017 963 views

What jobs are available for someone interested in motion graphics?

I am currently a graphic design student and have found a love for typography, vector based illustrations and infographics. I have experimented with AfterEffects and creating simple motion graphics and was wondering what type of jobs are available for such interests. #design #graphic-design...

Haley’s Avatar
Haley May 06, 2016 1785 views

Is it dangerous to be a psychiatrist?

I was wondering because you can sometimes encounter people who are not themselves/struggling with mental illness. #psychology #healthcare #career #college #career-counseling