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Kendall Ralph’s Avatar

Kendall Ralph

Lead Infant Toddler Teacher
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
San Jose, California
5 Answers
2807 Reads
21 Karma

Active Locations

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Feb 11, 2015 1434 views

What is it like to be a preschool teacher?

I am currently a senior in high school and I want to major in Early Childhood Education, but I am unsure. I was wondering what it would be like in a normal preschool classroom everyday. What is the daily routine? #teacher #k-12-education #early-childhood-education

Sade’s Avatar
Sade Nov 25, 2022 492 views

How can I better my knowledge on child and youth development?

I will be majoring in child and youth work next year and would like to learn more about child and youth development and psychology.

Kaiya’s Avatar
Kaiya May 21, 2021 1120 views

what are the different types of early childhood education?

#university #student

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Dec 01, 2022 1010 views

What are general education classes and why are they a requirement in college?

This is part of the professionals series

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Nov 30, 2022 520 views

How do I remain successful in school if I think it is boring Or if I don’t want to be there? ?

This is part of our professionals series where active volunteers were asked to submit questions they WISH students were asking.