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katherine burke’s Avatar

katherine burke

Education sales
Sales and Related Occupations
Punta Gorda, Florida
8 Answers
12508 Reads
21 Karma

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cristian’s Avatar
cristian Oct 19, 2023 6730 views

Which universities will teach me how to become a pilot for planes?

how a search a university of Plane Pilot?

Jalyn’s Avatar
Jalyn Oct 19, 2023 543 views

Is psychology really worth it?

I'm debating whether I want to do psychology or anything with performing arts like dancing or producing and see what I have more interest in. I know these are two totally different career choices

chrismarie’s Avatar
chrismarie Oct 19, 2023 652 views

how can i get an scholarship ?

I am a 9th grade student and i want to graduate high school with good grades to get an scholarship because i want to go to Columbia university what can i do ?

i am interest in being an odontologist

Willow’s Avatar
Willow Oct 20, 2023 439 views

Can you become anything with a low income?

Question writing tips

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Oct 20, 2023 492 views

What steps do I need to take to become a entrepreneur?

Think about what you need and how much money you need to make to run that business come up with the price you want the items to be don’t start from scratch

Franklyna Akosua’s Avatar
Franklyna Akosua Oct 17, 2023 603 views

Is Majoring in Sociology and Minoring in French a good idea ?

Hi, I'm a third year student who is planning on majoring in Sociology and minoring in French .I don't really know what to do .I've been told taking a combined major would be the best option .What do you guys think?

Tallon’s Avatar
Tallon Oct 18, 2023 894 views

is it hard to be a welder ?

i am in 8th grade and looking to be a welder when i grow up do you have any tips or tricks for me any will be appreciated greatly

Charles’s Avatar
Charles Oct 18, 2023 1248 views

What is the best type of college or university to go to, to become a police officer?

Any ideas?