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Devi Sri Dommeti’s Avatar

Devi Sri Dommeti

Hyderabad, Telangana, India
7 Answers
61607 Reads
11 Karma

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Yuson’s Avatar
Yuson Mar 04, 2024 1020 views

how do I go about with my accounting career?

where do I get jobs if I do accounting?

Qiarah’s Avatar
Qiarah Jul 07, 2023 761 views

How can I start my own company from nothing?

Save 50$ a day for the next 4-6 months

abdu’s Avatar
abdu Mar 04, 2024 731 views

I am asking as a senior in high school who is interested in the business field. I would want to know what kinds of jobs are out there for types of business as well as if its worth the time. How can I also get into Aerospace?

I am asking as a senior in high school who is interested in the business field. I would want to know what kinds of jobs are out there for types of business as well as if its worth the time. How can I also get into Aerospace?

abigail’s Avatar
abigail Aug 11, 2023 1601 views

How do you handle a situation where two people aren't working well together?

Understand the nature of the conflict.
Encourage employees to work it out themselves.
Listen to both sides.
Determine the real issue, together.
Consult your employee handbook.
Find a solution.

Shondrea’s Avatar
Shondrea Mar 04, 2024 1330 views

What is the most important thing about finding a career?

Like job searching.

cole’s Avatar
cole Mar 03, 2024 26826 views

What job opportunities are there for a Business degree?

I am asking as a senior in high school who is interested in the business field. I would want to know what kinds of jobs are out there for types of business as well as if its worth the time.