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undefined's avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours211 views

How to become a Landlord?

Share your journey & guide aspiring Landlords on their path! Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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undefined's avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours196 views

How to become a Property Manager?

Tell us everything we need to know to become a Property Manager. Note: Given the growing interest in the property management field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

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Karen1728 views

I am a very social person, do you think public relations is a good career choice for me?

Hello. I m a junior in high school and I am looking at different careers. I like to talk to people and I like to make new friends. I am a good communicator and I don't mind being in new situations. I also really like the film and fashion industry and really would want to make connections with celebrities. Is PR a good place for me? You are also welcome to tell me what PR consists because I only have a vague idea of what it really consists of. #career #communications #fashion-design #public-relations #pr #celebrity

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Larry1285 views

What major should I choose when I go to college?

Hello, I really love painting and I have some talent for page drawing, but I don't know if I have what it takes to study graphic design. Because recently I discovered that I have signs of hand tremors. I haven't told this to anyone in the family yet. Can I continue to pursue this passion?

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Justice324 views

Should I take classes to complete my IGETC requirements because I want to go to a University?

I am taking college classes while I am in high school. I wanna know if I am wasting my time or not.

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eman290 views

early mailman carrer?

how do i become a mailman? is there classes into becoming a mailman

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Deedum258 views

What are the necessaryrequirements for a computer operator?

I want to be a computer scientist

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Eve153 views

What is career coaching ?

I would like to know more about career coaching opportunities that may be helpful to me in future and what skills sets I need to fit in the said topic.

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undefined's avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours349 views

How to become a Land Surveyor?

Tell us everything we need to know to become a Land Surveyor! Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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