Career questions tagged classics

Is majoring in classics (the study of the languages, literature, culture, and history of the ancient societies like Greece or Rome) with the intent of entering that field of study worth it ?
I am planning on getting a bachelors and master's degree, as well as possibly a doctoral program. I would like to work as a professor at a university.

How can I put my foot in the door acting in LA if I come from a low-income household?
I'm a 17yo who's turning 18 in September. I really want to start film/tv acting, but I don't have a lot of money to get headshots, lessons, etc. I'm going to be doing intermediate theatre this year (senior year), and I have prior experience doing acting classes in/out of school in the past. I look younger than I am (would do very well at 18tpy) but my biggest hurdle is just...starting. I can't afford $500 headshots, and even the $300/month classes are a huge burden.

Is John cabbot university good for a double majoring bachelors in classics and communication? Is it recognized when applying for jobs?
#rome #italy #college #university #college-majors #advice #american #classics #communication #college-selection

Do sociology and classics majors get good jobs with high salaries?
#sociology #vlassic #classics #greek #rome #college #careers #advice #college-major #college #internationalstudent #majors #minors

Is double majoring in sociology and classics a good idea or will the work load be tough? And will I have a boost when it comes to job? Will the Latin and Greek in classics be hard? And will a double major be expensive for an international student? What are my job options?
#college #college-major #college-minir #advice #sociology #classics #liberalarts #job #collegemajor #internationalstudents

How difficult is it to get into graduate school for Classics?
#school #classics #gradschool #college #college-major