Career questions tagged nutrition-dietetics

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Yadira1160 views

What is it like running your own private practice as a registered dietitian?

I am finishing my BA in Nutrition and wondering if private practice is what I’d like to pursue. What does the every day work life balance look like when running your own health coaching business. Any regrets or tips to getting started?

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Carmen821 views

what are the requirements to be a Registered Dietitian?

It varies by state most states require a bachelors degree, a masters long with internships, and pass an exam to be a licensed nutritionist

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Hannah438 views

What is the college with the best kinesiology program How to keep great study habits? What is the best way to get into sports medicine in high school? ?

I would like to know the colleges with the best kinesiology program.

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Mac629 views

What actually is dietetics?

I want to be a dietician for a pro sports team but I wanna know more about the field before I go into it. What type of jobs can you get being a dietician?

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Manuel398 views

What other ways do Dietitians help others?

Besides telling them to eat healthier, what other ways do dietitians do to help people with there health?

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brenda405 views

What was an unexpected advantage or disadvantage in working as a nutritionist?

I am G-d willing starting college this fall and would love to learn more about the nutrition field. I myself enjoy being physically active and eating healthy and I would like to share this with the rest of the world.

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Hadeel545 views

Remote Job Search

What is the best way to search for remote jobs for Nutrition and Dietetics graduates who do not have an RD license? Preferably in the field of nutrition education, public health, and research.

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Victoria650 views

What are some good pointers for someone looking to get into the dietetics field?

What are some good pointers for someone looking to get into the dietetics field? Looking for things to grow outside the education aspect.

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Vanessa1005 views

How easy is it to transition to a career in dietetics?

I am transitioning from a high school biology teaching career. I was a biology major in undergrad, and now I am returning to school for a second degree in dietetics. Thankfully, some of my previous courses count toward the dietetics degree. #dietitian

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