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Abbie Robinson’s Avatar

Abbie Robinson

Intern at U.S. Bank
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Knoxville, Tennessee
9 Answers
6825 Reads
60 Karma

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Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Jul 17, 2020 598 views

How did you feel when you know your going far away from home to college?

I’m a 19 year old who is going to study computer engineering at Missouri of science and technology but I’m a bit nervous about not being able to see my family as much.#july20

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Jul 17, 2020 588 views

When do you realize you chose the right major

I want to study computer engineering but I want to make sure I’m Not wasting time #july20

Chloe’s Avatar
Chloe Jul 17, 2020 1498 views

tips for undergrad student

What is one thing that you wish you did better in undergrad school?
Could be anything!

#undergraduateschool #doctors #therapists #business #marketers #analysts #counsellor #teacher #gradschool #july20 #university #medicine #technology #research #academia #jobs #work

Denzel’s Avatar
Denzel Jul 17, 2020 370 views

With the coronavirus running rampant, what are some ways in which I can discover opportunities for internships and jobs in general? Will the search be more or less difficult?

I'm a current prefrosh attending college this fall but I'm a bit anxious in regards to the amount of jobs that will be available during my first semester. #JULY20

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly Jul 17, 2020 1309 views

How to build a good relationship with your professors?

I heading into university and due to Covid-19, my first semester is going to be online. Of course, there are going to be many obstacles but the most troubling is connecting with professors. I want to get to know them as well as making myself known and that I want to excel in their class. But I...

Rayann’s Avatar
Rayann Jul 17, 2020 595 views

What are things I should know when going into the business industries ?

I want to learn how to become a successful business woman with the ability to change the world and make it better.


Joseline’s Avatar
Joseline Aug 22, 2018 559 views

There are many college students that are living off campus and I was wondering, does living on campus all four years really beneficially? Or does one year suffice?

Hello, I am a freshman majoring biomedical engineering in Arizona State University. I hope to gain great knowledge from others that can be beneficial. #IraAFultonSchoolsofEngineering

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Jul 14, 2020 878 views

Is there a career path that I can pursue that combines multiple interests?

I am currently in college trying to decide what degree/degrees to pursue. I have many interests that make it hard to choose one career path. I am interested in writing, journalism, history, and the medical field. Is there a career that combines my multiple interests? # #career #journalism...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 17, 2020 713 views

Do colleges help students find jobs both during school and after graduation?

#career #career-choice