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Grace Jones’s Avatar

Grace Jones

Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Kent, Ohio
6 Answers
4422 Reads
2 Karma

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Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 23, 2020 535 views

I realized that when applying to med school, some people do research and write papers. Out of curiosity, why do they need to conduct research and what could it be about? Lastly, is it required to conduct research?

#research #science #pre-med

Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 23, 2020 1296 views

When applying to medical school, how many volunteer/internship hours should be completed?

#school #medical #medicine

Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 22, 2020 598 views

What are some cruical factors to consider when choosing a college/university?

#college #university

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 578 views

What made you join the medical feild?

#medicine #medicalfield #doctor #college #highschool #advice

Aleksandra’s Avatar
Aleksandra Mar 05, 2019 835 views

How prominent are technology questions on the MCAT in comparison to strictly biological questions?

#tech #biology #MCAT #doctor #med #medicine #medschool #physician #science #biotechnology #exam

Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 22, 2020 750 views

Where do you look to find grants and scholarships for college?

#study #college #university