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Jackie Bright’s Avatar

Jackie Bright

CSR Manager
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Boston, Massachusetts
6 Answers
7743 Reads
2 Karma

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Naziyat’s Avatar
Naziyat Apr 26, 2023 2629 views

What is better to read in MATH or ENGINEERING?

which subject is better math or engineering to study in university? Both subjects are the subjects I love but I cant choose between them. So can you write the PROS and CONS about it?

Fernando’s Avatar
Fernando Apr 26, 2023 937 views

What are the the most important things I'll need to know when I get into construction?

I'm a high school student and I want to work in construction in the future. But I want to know will there be any things I should know or learn before I get out there.

Jaden’s Avatar
Jaden Apr 26, 2023 2255 views

How do I become a high school football coach and what type of experience do I need?

I play high school football and I would like to play in the NFL but if it doesn't work out I would like to be a coach.

Steven’s Avatar
Steven Jun 15, 2021 624 views

What are some steps I should take to better my work ethic?

I'm a 21 year old and I would like to know how I can apply myself more in a workplace environment. #entrepreneur

Harini’s Avatar
Harini Jun 16, 2021 560 views

What should I do the summer before 11th grade to help build my profile?

I want to study law in college. #civillaw #humanrights #equality #feminism #justice #law

Mona’s Avatar
Mona Jun 14, 2021 681 views

How is life after High School

I have a bunch of goals that I want to complete just like staying on top of my work, being productive, having more of a schedule than being all over the place but I want to know how life is after high school is it hard? #high-school #college