Jackie Bright
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What is better to read in MATH or ENGINEERING?
which subject is better math or engineering to study in university? Both subjects are the subjects I love but I cant choose between them. So can you write the PROS and CONS about it?

What are the the most important things I'll need to know when I get into construction?
I'm a high school student and I want to work in construction in the future. But I want to know will there be any things I should know or learn before I get out there.

How do I become a high school football coach and what type of experience do I need?
I play high school football and I would like to play in the NFL but if it doesn't work out I would like to be a coach.

What are some steps I should take to better my work ethic?
I'm a 21 year old and I would like to know how I can apply myself more in a workplace environment. #entrepreneur

What should I do the summer before 11th grade to help build my profile?
I want to study law in college. #civillaw #humanrights #equality #feminism #justice #law

How is life after High School
I have a bunch of goals that I want to complete just like staying on top of my work, being productive, having more of a schedule than being all over the place but I want to know how life is after high school is it hard? #high-school #college