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Dionte Lowe’s Avatar

Dionte Lowe

Pittsburg, California
7 Answers
9796 Reads
1 Karma

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Meena’s Avatar
Meena Jan 11 2242 views

How to choose the right career?

Hi, I'm 15years old grade 9th student. I want to be a doctor but my parents want me to be an engineer. How can I choose the right career for myself?

Cadie’s Avatar
Cadie Jan 17 544 views

what do people say about being a carpenter

What is a typically day like as a carpenter?

Skylah’s Avatar
Skylah Jan 11 5897 views

If I didn't want to go to college what are some good high paying jobs that I don't need a degree in?

Do I need a degree?

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jan 16 439 views

What are the educational requirements that lead to your career as a veterinarian?

This question was asked anonymously by a junior in Utah. They are interested in becoming a veterinarian

terrence’s Avatar
terrence Jan 17 587 views

after i get finish with school whats the best thng to do financial?

like what are the best jobs

alejandra’s Avatar
alejandra Jan 17 510 views

Nursing Pre-reqs ?

What are the necessary pre-reqs to become a nurse? Are all pre-reqs the same for all healthcare specialists? Would I need to take additional classes?

Dariehl’s Avatar
Dariehl May 06, 2021 628 views

What are some good job careers that you can have without going to college ?

#first-job #software-engineering #job-market