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Jayden’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
8 Questions
621 Karma

Jayden’s Career Goals

I want to graduate college and be able to find a well paying job that allows me to be financially free. In specifics, I am looking into the computer science, graphical design and video production as that is where my interests are pointing me towards.



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Jayden May 06, 2022 629 views

What are good skills I should learn during the summer to prepare myself for when I head to college?

From basic life skills to insights on ways to prepare, I am looking to get as much tips and tricks as possible to help prepare myself for the college lifestyle.

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Jayden May 06, 2022 872 views

What are the best ways to prepare yourself for a summer internship?

I am looking possibly to apply to tech related internships for summer before college, are there some aspects of internships I should consider or prepare for?

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Jayden Jan 24, 2022 805 views

What is the best way to apply and earn internships for the tech industry?

I have been doing my research and through that, I have learned tech internships in big and upcoming/ startup companies is a great way entry to the industry and gain experience. #internship #technology #tech

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Jayden Jan 24, 2022 957 views

How does one combat with the motivational obstacles that may come with college?

As the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 continues to surge this year, my worries is how it may affect how college will go for me? #college #college-advice

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Jayden Oct 10, 2021 893 views

What is the best way to prepare yourself for internships?

I am curious as to how to network and find internships that could fit your skill sets and would benefit your greater skills #internship #networking #intern

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Jayden Oct 10, 2021 596 views

What is the best way to help study in order to graduate college

I am currently a high school senior and I am wondering what are the best techniques and strategies to help you study. #studying-tips

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Jayden Oct 10, 2021 547 views

What is the best way to network in order to find yourself a job you can be satisfied doing?

I am hoping both right now and in the future to be able to build a network of connections that will help me connect with job opportunities. Currently I am a high school senior but I would like to build my network as soon as possible. #job-search #job #networking

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Jayden Sep 15, 2021 578 views

What is the best way to balance learning or working for a career you are interested all while doing a side hobby/gig to help better yourself financially?

I am interested in Computer Science, Graphical Design/Art, Computer Engineering as well as Video Production. My experience varies in those categories but all the while, I want to maintain a side gig in college so I am able to self-sustain myself. #computer-science #computer...