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Branchville, New Jersey
5 Questions
216 Karma

Alyssa’s Career Goals

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Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Jul 15, 2016 1435 views

How do you write a resume?

I believe that there should be classes one could take to make themselves more appealing in their resumes when trying to get a job. I personally am about to graduate college and have no idea where to even start with a resume. #networking #sociology #resume-writing #social-networking...

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Alyssa May 30, 2016 1241 views

What type of internships can I look into while working towards my degree in Sociology and Anthropology?

I am looking for an internship for my senior year in my undergraduate studies. I'm looking because it seems to me that most students receive jobs faster when they have done an internship at some point throughout their college career. It seems to be a great way to get my foot in the door, build...

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Alyssa May 30, 2016 2401 views

What jobs can I find with a minor in Gerontology?

I am currently studying Sociology and Anthropology with a concentration in Conflict Resolution. I also chose to minor in Gerontology. #jobs #career-path #sociology #anthropology #conflict-resolution #gerontology

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Alyssa May 22, 2016 1063 views

What types of careers can a student with an anthropology degree look into?

Looking for a job or career path to venture into with a bachelors degree in anthropology #jobs #sociology #anthropology #part-time #full-time

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Alyssa May 15, 2016 1171 views

What types of careers can I obtained with a degree in Anthropology?

I will be graduating in a year, and have no idea what types of jobs are out there. I've done the research. #research #communications #anthropology #museums