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Tallahassee, Florida
5 Questions
336 Karma

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kayla Jan 03, 2023 1286 views

Preparing for LSAT

What are the best books to get to prepare for the LSAT? What are the best ways to prepare for it?

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kayla Jan 01, 2023 631 views

What should I do ?

To become a criminal defense attorney, I am currently studying criminal justice and was studying psych. However, I am dropping psych since they are so closely related. I was advised to do either Business Management, Accounting, or a science. I am awful at math and always have been. What...

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kayla Dec 31, 2022 466 views

What advice would be given ?

I am double majoring in psych and criminal justice. However, in terms of becoming a lawyer, could I with these majors? How hard is it to become a defense attorney? I am exploring my options.

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kayla Dec 31, 2022 10229 views

What degrees should I get for a criminal psychologist?

Im struggling with what I want to do but I know I want to do something with criminals and their behavior.

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kayla Dec 31, 2022 501 views

What should I get my masters in?

Right now I am in a joint program for psychology and criminal justice and am having a hard time deciding what path I should get my masters in. I am interested in criminal behavior and want to become a criminal psychologist but i am unsure.