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Bradley’s Avatar
Bradley Oct 09, 2017 786 views

Im 30 years old and would like to own my own business. Ive started with ads on kijiji but would like to grow into a multi million dollar company. How do i start doing that?

Starting a fan base on Facebook and Instagram is where I'm at but I need to find out how to go about finding and leasing property or land so I can make my auto body shop a worth while venture. Small businesses #good-attitudes #entrepreneurship #business #business-development #small-business

zoha’s Avatar
zoha Jun 23, 2016 1373 views

I want to work in banking sector,which field should i opt?

i want to be a banker and make it as my career. i need some valuable suggestions. #accounting #economics #banking #investment-banking #commerce

Trisha’s Avatar
Trisha Jun 20, 2016 1033 views

What kinds of careers could you potentially enter with an Economics/Accounting major? If you have a career in these industries, are you happy with what you do?

I would like to hear about these careers from a person in these careers themselves because it is more genuine and real, as opposed to a dictionary definition or a job description that you can Google online. #accounting #economics

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Jun 18, 2016 12790 views

Can you major in business and then go into medical school?

My friend is majoring in accounting and is interested in the premed career track and I was wondering if this is feasible. #college #medicine #accounting #pre-med #undergraduate

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Jun 18, 2016 4719 views

How much of calculus and statistics is used in finance or economics undergraduate classes?

I have heard that these are the two prominent maths in business. #college #business #finance #economics