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Paris Hendry (Weber)’s Avatar

Paris Hendry (Weber)

Education Professional
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
6 Answers
11283 Reads
16 Karma

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Mackayla’s Avatar
Mackayla Sep 01, 2017 1026 views

As someone that is undecided about what to study in college, what tips are there for finding an interest that balances personal happiness and economic confort?

This question is incredibly important to me because it addresses my largest concern, not just in terms of post-secondary education, but for life in general. As a naturally indecisive person, I perform well academically in all classes, but no colleges or majors have stricken me as "the one."...

Harmony’s Avatar
Harmony Sep 01, 2017 1247 views

How do you get a good job in your major after college?

A lot of people I know who graduated college are having a hard time getting a job. Some people say its about your connects, so were does college come in?
#engineering #careers

Aurora’s Avatar
Aurora Sep 01, 2017 724 views

What are sosme great ways to find out a career i would enjoy and be interested in, because i am having trouble figuring out what i want to do with my life.

I know i'm great at cosmetology but i've also always been into real estate and i love kids. I have no idea what the best major would be for me. #career

Helen’s Avatar
Helen Jul 27, 2017 1229 views

#Career Help

I'm not sure what I want to do as far as a career. I love taking pictures drawing and writing stories, I'm great at organizing I like working with other people as a team, I love animals, helping other people I'm very creative I like clerical office work I think history is interesting, I'm a...

Brenda’s Avatar
Brenda Apr 30, 2017 1730 views

Is there a cut-off for relevant information on resumes on Linked In, or should you include everything?

**For everyone who doesn’t have a LinkedIn and is reading this, I’d advise you to make one right now! It helps a lot, and even just making one and adding new things to it helps so much! LinkedIn is getting increasingly more popular with both employers and job-seekers. My university highly...

Briana’s Avatar
Briana Aug 08, 2017 2936 views

Is it time for me to get a part time job?

My name is Briana and I'll be starting my second year at my community college this upcoming fall semester. I'll be taking thirteen units and my parents have been recently pushing me to apply for a job with nods to "we're hiring" signs. I understand with my age I should be working, but I'm not...