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Sean Warman’s Avatar

Sean Warman

Military at United States Air Force
Management Occupations - Military Specific Occupations
5 Answers
4426 Reads
31 Karma
Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Jan 06, 2018 934 views

How important is my college GPA?

I'm considering either working after I graduate or applying to graduate school and my GPA isn't perfect. Specifically, what can I do to show professional drive if my GPA isn't a 4.0?
#graduate-school #gpa

Nabeeha’s Avatar
Nabeeha Jan 17, 2018 956 views

How can I have an easy transition from a community college to a 4-year university?

I plan on transferring to an undecided four year University and am scared that the transition will be tough on me. Is there any way I can ensure that I will be able to thrive in and enjoy my new environment? #communitycollege #transfer #college-transfer #transition #social #mental-health...

Anesa’s Avatar
Anesa Apr 06, 2018 751 views

What are some good ways to study, other than rereading notes?

#school #class #tests #studying-tips

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Mar 16, 2018 960 views

How to succeed in medical school

I am planning on attending medical school but have heard that it can be mentally and emotionally draining. What is the best advice for not only doing well academically but also being mentally healthy in medical school?
#medicine #medicalschool #mentalhealth

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Jan 19, 2018 920 views

Whether teaching experience in graduate school is necessary or at least optimal for securing a post-graduate teaching position at a college or university?

As a newly minted graduate student, I was wondering whether colleges looking to hire post-graduates for teaching positions generally place extensive weight on teaching experience? Once I finish coursework in graduate school, is it advisable to teach classes while working on a dissertation or...