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Benedick Llanda’s Avatar

Benedick Llanda

Program Project Manager at AT&T
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Dallas, Texas
6 Answers
6560 Reads
16 Karma

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Raquel’s Avatar
Raquel Sep 19, 2019 1436 views

Does my GI bill cover for dorms?

My Family has a GI bill, but how much with that cover for my college/university expences and for how long?!?!?!?!?! #college #university #college-admissions #money

Emilie’s Avatar
Emilie Feb 11, 2019 1391 views

Are any biomedical engineers willing to take the time to answer my interview questions below?

Hello, my name is Emilie and I am working on a project involving biomedical engineering. I was wondering if any biomedical engineer who is currently working as a biomedical engineer was willing to answer my questions. If you know anyone who is a bioengineer please contact them about my...

Karsyn’s Avatar
Karsyn Feb 27, 2019 579 views

How can I make the transition from living at home to living alone in college the easiest?

I am a senior about to graduate and haven't ever really felt independent; will living alone be hard or the escape I need to grow? #college

Raphael’s Avatar
Raphael Mar 04, 2019 1241 views

what is the salary of a biomedical engineer


Alex’s Avatar
Alex Jan 08, 2019 817 views

Is it stressful to study electrical engineering?

#engineer #college #industrial-engineering

Meghan’s Avatar
Meghan Jan 29, 2019 1308 views

How do I get more looks on my job applications?

I’m a senior in college currently applying for for time employment post graduation. Many of my applications have been sent to companies online and I have not been getting any call backs. I’ve had my resume checked over and have been assured that it look good. I guess I’m trying to find other...