Career questions tagged museumstudies

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Emma3340 views

What to do when conflicted over possible majors?

I am an incoming senior in HS. I plan on going down the art path, but do not know whether to do Graphic Design in Marketing, or to go down the Museum Studies path. I am an art student at my school, and plan on joining a student board for an art museum as an internship, but I have always been good at design. I feel as if I need to know my future major to decide on possible colleges, but not knowing what I want to study is holding me back there. Are there other ways for me to make sure I choose the right major to then go on to choose the right college?

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Lina1263 views

How can I get accepted to work in a museum?

Hello, my name is Lina. I am an undergraduate alumni, my major is Arts and Culture Management. I would like to start my career soon, and currently making process for this. I have applied to many museums and galleries where I would like to work, but I did not get any offer from them. I get rejection emails day by day and feel devastated lately. I am trying to reach as many museums and galleries as possible, both local and international, it is a fact that they are asking a couple years of experience, but since I am a recent alumni I could not achieve that. What should I do, where can I start my career journey?

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Laura396 views

What’s the best way to transition to working in museum education and research?

I am in my early fifties and have a graduate degree in literature. I wish to study textiles.

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Tiffany714 views

What are the prospects of getting a job in the museum field?

#museums #museumstudies

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Julieta864 views

What other degrees will be good to go into a Museum Curator based job?

I want to work in a museum as either a curator or a preservationist but I don't know what employers are specifically looking for #arthistory #curator #museumstudies #museums-and-institutions

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