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Izabella Carpenter’s Avatar

Izabella Carpenter

Summer Investments Analyst
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
New York, New York
4 Answers
3154 Reads
42 Karma

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Bryan’s Avatar
Bryan Aug 05, 2020 1034 views

What’s a good career/major if you absolutely sucks at everything related to math and numbers but you are pretty good at everything else?

I’ve been struggling a lot in my advanced math classes, but I did exceptionally well in all of my other classes, including physics. Is there any computer related major that doesn’t involve too much math?(No calculus involved please) #math #mathematics #career-options #computer

Mariah’s Avatar
Mariah Jul 26, 2020 881 views

What extra-curricular activities can I do (during the pandemic) to standout on my college application?

I'm a junior in high school who is starting her college journey. I'm interested in studying English, Philosophy, Business, and Computer Science. I've been trying to study how to trade stocks. #high-school #day-trading #collegejourney #finance #college-applications #extra-curriculars

olive’s Avatar
olive Jul 27, 2020 933 views

What is the best thing a sophomore in high school can do to start preparing for college?

I’m going into my second year of high school and want to make sure I do everything I can to have a solid application for colleges. I have a 4.3, I do service every week, I am also a dancer and run cross country. What would you recommend? #high-school #college #sophmore #schools...

Ellie’s Avatar
Ellie Jul 27, 2020 433 views

How can I apply to universities this summer/fall for political science/government focus, and still show interest in their musical theatre programs and presenting them my performing arts skills during applications?

I am set on studying government, public policy, or international relations in college as I plan to make social activism my future career and run for office one day. However, I also want to study musical theatre and continue my other passion in life without being restricted to only that study....