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Junxi’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
7 Questions
512 Karma

Junxi’s Career Goals

Enlistment to the USMC and get the MOS of combat support. Shipping out on July 18 2021.



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Junxi Dec 02, 2021 936 views

Is college even for me? What type of things can I apply for that is not college?

#college #college-selection #graduate #college-bound #college-advice

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Junxi Dec 02, 2021 4375 views

After college can I go take more classes

#college #student #any #professional #classes

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Junxi Nov 05, 2021 588 views

How to perapre myself for whats to come ahead in the real world of working

#business #real-estate #business-management #networking #finance #entrepreneur

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Junxi Nov 05, 2021 619 views

Do you think military service will be a good idea right after high school

#college #business #college-admissions #engineering #high-school

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Junxi Nov 05, 2021 738 views

after high school do you think is the best idea to continue to college or take a year off

#high-school #college #college-admissions #college-major #student

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Junxi Apr 16, 2021 624 views

Does Community service help with college?

#help #college

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Junxi Apr 16, 2021 731 views

What's a typical day like for a UC?

#entertainment #media #college