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Milan’s Avatar


Elk River, Minnesota
4 Questions
316 Karma

Milan’s Career Goals

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Milan’s Avatar
Milan Nov 15, 2023 601 views

Do you think college is important to go to If so, why?

I am a sophomore in high school and I'm trying to figure out if it would really benefit me to go to college.

Milan’s Avatar
Milan Oct 11, 2023 599 views

What does a regular/average work day?

When you're a psychologist you help people with their mental health. How do you know when you've helped someone too much or you're just doing your job? I feel like the mental toll from being a psychologist would affect your own mental health greatly and I want to know how to balance the job and...

Milan’s Avatar
Milan Oct 11, 2023 397 views

How do you decide between two jobs which are complete opposites?

I'm very into photography and the thrill of taking pictures but; I also am very into helping people mentally because I know it's hard to get support. I'm very good at photography and I'm currently doing it in school, I'm in high school. I'm also a very emotional person and I've always struggled...

Milan’s Avatar
Milan Oct 11, 2023 503 views

What are the opportunities for photographers?

At my high school, I'm in the yearbook program. I take pictures of sports (usually volleyball) I'm a sophomore and this is my second year in the yearbook. I'll admit I've definitely gotten better at taking photos and getting action shots, but I want to get better. I know I for sure want to...