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Sacramento, California
6 Questions
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Jeff Mar 26, 2014 2404 views

If you join a college sport, how does it affect your schedule?

For example, if I join my college's soccer team, how does that affect my schedule? #college #sports #soccer #schedule #college-sports

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Jeff Mar 21, 2014 39176 views

Do you have classes everyday in college?

I know you get to choose your classes, but do you get to choose what days you go to the class? #colleges #classes

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Jeff Mar 19, 2014 1839 views

Is it easy to get a job within your college?

For example, I love sports, so I was wondering if it was easy to get a job within the Athletic Department of my University? #college #jobs #sports #college-jobs #athletics

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Jeff Mar 19, 2014 1945 views

How difficult or easy is the transition from High School to College, especially if you're going out of state?

I live in California, but I am planning to go out of state. I would like to know some of the hardships I need to prepare for. #college #life-transitions #first-year #out-of-state

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Jeff Mar 17, 2014 2088 views

What are some colleges with really good marketing programs, or business programs in general?

I am really narrowing down my college list right now, and want to know if there are other schools with good business programs that I haven't found out about yet. #college #business #marketing #programs

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Jeff Mar 17, 2014 1838 views

Are there Marketing related jobs for a Professional Sports teams?

I want to pursue Marketing, and love sports. I think getting a job that has to do with Marketing and working with a professional sports team would be amazing for me! #sports #marketing #athletics