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Brittnye Dione S., M.Ed.’s Avatar

Brittnye Dione S., M.Ed.

University Relations Analyst @ Visa
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Austin, Texas
6 Answers
12254 Reads
61 Karma



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My specialty is working with college and university students seeking advice on navigating the world of work.

Brittnye Dione’s Career Stories

In layperson terms, what do you actually do at work?

I currently work as a University Recruiter & Career Specialist. I help college students find internships and part-time jobs while in school, as well as full-time careers once they graduate.

How did you pick your career? Did you know all along?

I had no idea I was going to pick my current career in Higher Education Leadership. When I was going through college I blindly selected Business as my degree in hopes to becoming a "leader" one day. Come to find out, this plan was not good enough. I was miserable in the jobs I was finding and I continue to realize that because I did not have a plan, I was not in control of my own career. It took me eight years to realize the direction that would be the best fit - Higher Education. As I was thinking about my misery and what I was going to do change, I remembered how happy and involved I was in college. I then realized that there were several people within my network that pursued career in higher education and they were happy. Based on these things, I made the decision to pursue higher education and work within a university capacity.

What is the one piece of career advice you wish someone gave you when you were younger?

PURSUE YOUR PASSIONS! Do what makes you happy! Don't be comfortable and settle for the status quo, not everyone with a Business degree has a thriving career. You don't need a business degree to learn about running a business or being in leadership. You will be most successful by focusing on your craft. What makes you YOU? Anyone can start a business by that which they do well. Don't believe people when they tell you that you should get a business degree if you plan to run a business or be in leadership one day. Don't waste the money pursuing "safe" careers such as business or healthcare if that's not what you really want to do. Most college graduates with business degrees end up in sales.