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Nelly’s Avatar
Nelly May 11, 2023 755 views

Should I be an OB-GYN or Midwife?

Hi! My whole life, I've wanted to be an OB-GYN as all I want to do is work with babies. As time has gone on, I realized there's more to Obstetrics and Gynecology than just delivering children. Now I'm torn: do I stick to being an OB-GYN and go down the Pre-Med and Med School path, or do I...

Alexa’s Avatar
Alexa Nov 06, 2022 897 views

What should I do to get ready for the Air or Space Force?

What should I be able to physically withstand? I'm interested in becoming in astronautical engineer in either force.

What are the steps to get into the each force?

What soft and hard skills will I need ?

Classes to take in high school and college to prepare?

Alexa’s Avatar
Alexa Oct 28, 2022 720 views

Courses to take for astronautical engineering ?

What specific courses should I prioritize during high school if I intend to become an astronautical engineer?

What electives could I apply in that would aid me for this careerpath?

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Dec 17, 2021 1450 views

Should I double major in Business and fine arts?

I am currently a business major concentrating on entrepreneurship, but I have too many interests in the art, fashion, and beauty industry. I think I should narrow my goals down before committing to a broad major like business. #business #art #fashion #entrepreneur #college-major

MITCHELL Sep 13, 2021 521 views

If you have trouble with routine what would be a good path to follow.

I would say routine, repetitevness, and following a schedule has always been hard for me. #college

Jozlyn Johnson’s Avatar
Jozlyn Johnson Apr 20, 2021 582 views

Since I want to be a OBGYN what are the requirements? and If we have Mental Health issues are we able too work?

I once was told that I would study Females situations and all of it was when i learned a few things from family members also when i was in health class we talked about females private issues. #public-health

Jozlyn Johnson’s Avatar
Jozlyn Johnson Apr 20, 2021 643 views

What do I need to know when applying an application to become a Psychiatrist? Do i need to have experience?

Good evening, My name is Jozlyn Johnson and I just turned 18. I would like to learn and know more about becoming a Psychiatrist. I think that I should know what are some key things that I should know and whether or not do I need/have some experience when I fill out an application.I also like to...

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Apr 20, 2021 1226 views

With homework is it a good idea to do it right away or to give myself some relaxation time?

I have been wondering if I should do my homework right away or to give myself a few hours to wind down from the school day. #school #homework

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