Career questions tagged globalization

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Addisu349 views

How do we compare and contrast the learning ways of veterinary medicine in developed and in developing countries?

I want to know which country pay the highest salary for the Veterinarian's in the world

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Jennifer818 views

What kinds of careers exist for those passionate about both medicine and politics/law?

Hi! I am a current junior with a passion for law and medicine and am working towards an international career that involves advocacy and research. Unlike the process of becoming a doctor, the pathway to my dream profession is not as clearly defined. Now that I'm halfway through my college journey, I would love some advice because I have no idea what kinds of places would be looking to employ a student with an International Relations and Global Health double major. I would love to hear more about careers that are involved in both politics and healthcare with an emphasis on how one might get there. How much schooling would one of these careers usually require? Would you recommend attending graduate school, and if so, should it be for both a medical degree and a law degree (MD/JD)? Or would a Masters in Public Health (MPH) suffice for these career fields? What kinds of internships or research opportunities might you have heard of for those with my similar interests? Thanks in advice for the life-changing insight! #medicine #law #politics #graduate-school #law-school #medical-practice #international #globalization

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Darcie1148 views

What jobs relate to the field of international relations/development?

I am currently working towards an undergraduate degree in international development/globalization with a minor in political science at the University of Ottawa. While I am very interested and inspired by the content I have been learning, I am not sure exactly what I want to specialize in when it comes time to apply for my masters degree and search for job experience. Are my only job prospects working in politics or working for an NGO? Money isn't a major priority for me, I just want to help people who are exploited by the international system, therefore working in politics (for "the system") almost seems like it goes against my values. If I worked in politics, I would want the freedom to make a difference in the field, not to be a slave to it. In sum: Are there any job positions in the political field that may provide me with a sense of independence so that I can make a difference rather than work for the system we already have in place? And are there any jobs outside of the political field that can provide me with a means to make a difference internationally, while still providing me with a minimum sense of employment security? #international #political-science #politics #masters-degree #international-relations #human-rights #international-development #globalization

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