Career questions tagged immigration-law

What internships are good if I want to become an immigration lawyer?
I am a first year at Sjsu and want to go into law school later on. I want to do internships but I don’t know where to start. It’s been a dream of mine to become an immigration lawyer since elementary school in order to help out my community. I’ve been doing work with my community to learn how to work with families better as I think that’s a skill I might need. However I don’t know what else I should do.

How does being a Immigration And Customs inspector affect your regular lifestyle?
Do they prohibit you do do certain stuff? Can you have tattoos/piercings?

What are some careers available in social justice and social activism for immigration? Do I have to become an immigration lawyer to help?
I'm currently a high school senior on my way to college. And immigration is a topic I'm passionate about. I'm very interested in pursuing a career in social justice that will improve and impact the lives of immigrants living within our country. I know that many people tend to pursue careers in immigration law. But I was wondering if there are any other careers outside of law that could help the cause. I'm not sure if I have what it takes to become a lawyer. I also love math and foreign languages. So, what would be a good language to learn if I were to go into immigration, besides Spanish? (I'm bilingual.) Thanks! #immigration #immigration-law #social-work #social-justice #foreign-languages #activism #activists #non-profit #humanitarian #human-rights rights

How does someone become an immigration lawyer?
It is my dream to be an immigration lawyer so I can dedicate my life to helping immigrants and refugees. #immigration #immigration-law #refugees #law

Are there possibilities I can get into college due to these reasons:
I moved to the USA in November 2014 and I did not leave this town since then. I am a sophomore in high school and I would like to get my education done in the USA. We do NOT have a green card but we applied for it. I am on an H4 dependent visa and my dad is the only one working. He is in the same company since we moved here. Are there any chances that I will be accepted into college or do I have to start applying for some documents before its too late? I also want to do a dual enrollment at a university in my senior year. #immigration-law #college #college-admissions #citizenship #immigration #visas

How soon can I start looking into applying for law school.
I am currently attending the university for my degree in accounting and then I want to continue into Law focusing in tax law and family/immigration law. What steps do I need to take to ensure I don't delay any apps and I don't want to have a big time gap after I receive my bachelor's. #accounting #women-in-law #immigration-law #taxlaw

I want to become a professional teacher and want to teach in some foreign country. I am from India. what would be the courses to become a professional teacher and teach abroad.
want to teach in a foreign country and want to know the further steps. #teaching #teacher #professor #mentoring #non-profits #immigration #immigration-law

What do I have to do in order to become an immigration lawyer
Basic steps to achieve this career #immigration-law