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Fernanda Montanaro’s Avatar

Fernanda Montanaro

Support Associate
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Mexico City, Mexico
7 Answers
5119 Reads
2 Karma
Justin’s Avatar
Justin Oct 25, 2021 562 views

Are there certain areas in computer tech that don't gain any traction/support/attention?

#technology #information-technology #computer #computer-science

joshua’s Avatar
joshua Oct 25, 2021 499 views

How long does it typically take to develope a game?

Would you have to buy software or is it just difficult all together?
#video-games #software-engineering #computer

Arfiana’s Avatar
Arfiana Aug 18, 2020 1315 views

Tell me about how to reach global carreer

#graphicdesign #graphic-design #business #graphic-design #career #people #publicrelations #internationalaffairs

Gabrielle’s Avatar
Gabrielle Oct 25, 2021 452 views

In your opinion, what is the hardest thing about being a public relations and fundraising manager?

#public-relations #fundraising#non-profit #business #career

Zaliah’s Avatar
Zaliah Oct 25, 2021 571 views

What does your daily schedule look like?

What does a typical schedule look like for you? #business #finance #secretary #receptionist

Carylle’s Avatar
Carylle Aug 28, 2019 1225 views

If i could turn back in time, what would i tell my self to my younger self


Zaliah’s Avatar
Zaliah Oct 25, 2021 1268 views

How do you manage a good work-life balance?

How do you manage a good work-life balance with your profession? #time-management #business