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Vivencio Luna’s Avatar

Vivencio Luna

Engineering Manager
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Las Vegas, Nevada
4 Answers
1434 Reads
12 Karma

Active Locations

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica May 12, 2023 472 views

What are some good colleges for Computer Science Majors?

I'm a 17-year-old Junior living in San Francisco. I'd heavily prefer to stay in California for my college experience.

Aiden’s Avatar
Aiden May 12, 2023 237 views

Career Goal Question

How can I get experience and work towards my career goal?

Malaak’s Avatar
Malaak Nov 09, 2022 617 views

How did you come to terms with/and find yourself WANTING to be in the medical field, despite the expectations of immigrant parents?

If you're a first-gen and you have immigrant parents who wanted you to become a doctor, how did you come to terms with/and find yourself wanting to be in the medical field, rather than just going into it because your parents told you?

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Mar 12, 2018 852 views

What's the most important thing to look for in a company?

When applying for jobs, what has made you decide to accept an offer from one company over another?

#job-search #career