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Philip Van Der Walt’s Avatar

Philip Van Der Walt

Bid Manager at Dell
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
United Arab Emirates
7 Answers
8930 Reads
91 Karma
Naysa’s Avatar
Naysa May 13, 2016 1372 views

As an entry level intern for the government what should I write for cover letters

I know each job is different, besides the name and job name and number, what should be the bones of my cover letter. #internships #federal-government #entry-level

Venkatesh’s Avatar
Venkatesh Jun 22, 2016 693 views

I want learn become a system admin?

which is suitable education background required for that help me #any

nagina’s Avatar
nagina May 04, 2016 884 views

i want to become a lead project manager?which subject i want to take

i am from ghs j b nagar bengaluru #any #professional

Ravi ’s Avatar
Ravi Jun 23, 2016 1139 views

Is a good height mandatory to become an athelete?

I am an aspiring Cricketer and want to know about the physical fitness of Atheletes #sports #athletic-training #athletics #fitness #physical-fitness #exercise-physiology

Sana’s Avatar
Sana Jun 17, 2016 1356 views

What jobs pay the most/have the best benefits?

Want to Know about the benefits of opting a job in a Particular Field. #doctor #engineer #lawyer #police #scientist #artist #astronomy #developer

Alec’s Avatar
Alec Jun 04, 2016 2952 views

What does job security look like in the technology field?

I am looking into computer science and technology systems but I was curious how secure these fields are. I do not want to have a job where there is a constant risk that I may be laid off. I want to make sure that I have a secure position within the field.