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Ben Liang’s Avatar

Ben Liang

Management Consultant
Management Occupations
New York, New York
6 Answers
2976 Reads
21 Karma


Citizen Patrol

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Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Apr 18 622 views

How do I begin a career in business management. This a top goal for me.What college will be the best to attend. What are the things that I need to make it possible. I just wanna succeed in my endeavor.?

How do I begin a career in business management. What college will be the best to attend. What are the things that I need to make it possible. I just wanna succeed in my endeavor.
I have a very good grade and being a manager I top on the list for career goal for me. I just need a good advice on this.

John’s Avatar
John Apr 18 816 views

What online learning communities would you recommend for gaining more business knowledge?

Which online learning communities would you recommend for gaining more business knowledge? I am an accounting student, who would like to find an online learning community that would help me broaden my business knowledge, such as analytics, software programs, finances, economics, and other...

mahollia’s Avatar
mahollia Feb 27 541 views

can I go to the army after college?

can you join the army after you get your certification in RN? If so how can i go about doing that?

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Mar 01 832 views

Would it be better to start a business before or after college?

I want to start my own business but I'm not sure if I should wait until after college or start before. If I start before, how should I start?

Scot’s Avatar
Scot Mar 21 460 views

how to get a better career?

high paying jobs in the future

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Mar 19 408 views

How to become a General Contractor?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a General Contractor?

Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.