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Jeremiah Rounds’s Avatar

Jeremiah Rounds

Producer "Behind the Card" (Feature Film)
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Las Vegas, Nevada
5 Answers
6925 Reads
51 Karma

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Sofia’s Avatar
Sofia Mar 20, 2023 835 views

What is the annual salary of a just graduated student of cinema ?

I know the film industry is very competitive and it takes time to grow and get a nice paying job, but what is the average salary to someone who just graduated film college?

Shana’s Avatar
Shana Mar 13, 2023 1295 views

Is attending film school necessary to work in the film industry?

I've heard people argue that film school is a waste of time and you can succeed in the film industry without going to school. What are the benefits of attending film school? Is it hard to find work in the film industry if you do not attend film school?

Hot’s Avatar
Hot Sep 02, 2015 1372 views

What Californian colleges are the best fit to give Majors on Cinematography and Film design?

I aspire to study and eventually become a screenwriter/producer/ and cinematographer later in life. I find it best to find a wide range of cinematic horizons before I enter college and declare, or at least decide on a solid major. #film #cinematography #screenwriting #screenplay

Ursula’s Avatar
Ursula Apr 03, 2017 1335 views

How to get work expirience in my area of study while I'm still studying?

Hi, I'm a Motion Picture Arts student, I want to pursue a career in editing, I have no experience in this area beside from university and my own projects. My plan is to try to have a membership at IATSE 891, to do that I have to first become a Permittee. Last week I went to a career fair at my...

Peyton’s Avatar
Peyton Oct 27, 2015 2339 views

What college should I go to, to be a Movie director

look at last question #acting