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eden8 views

which is the best fashion design?

design fashion tips

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Md10 views

what's the meaning of this?

alskfj dkfjsaf sakldf asfkas as dfkasf asd asd fiasdf8aytjsdfnf

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Movindee6 views

How do I improve my communication skills to become a confident and a successful engineer in the field of construction?

Hi I'm a final year civil engineering student at University of Technology Sydney. I'm a fee paying international student who's first language is not English. However I speak very good english since I had the exposure to it. How do I improve my communication skills to become a confident and a successful engineer in the field of constriction?

undefined's avatar
Karl51 views

Medicine ?

What does it entail in the field of medicine

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Md24 views

what's the requirement?

SDsd sdfsdf dfgd dfx

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Md8 views

How can i get admission?

i am 14 years old.12 gread

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aiden495 views

what jobs can i get at 13 that actually pays money like a real job bcuse at my age i can not get a job and i want money to get the things i want without haveing to ask my parents?

what jobs can i get at 13 that actually pays money like a real job bcuse at my age i can not get a job and i want money to get the things i want without haveing to ask my parents

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Breanna586 views

What can I do with a masters degree

I would like to know the jobs I am qualified for if I were to get a Master's Degree #nursing

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Jonathan384 views

What's the best way to get into investing?

As an 18-year-old, I want to start investing in the stock market within America and possibly foreign stocks. How might I go about this properly? #keepitsustainable

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Avery199 views

How can I continue to advance human life with technology and medicine?

My name is Avery, I’m majoring in biomedical engineering, and this is my question for the scholarship entry! #spring23

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Braeden1440 views

What are the benefits of being an anesthesiologist?

What are some career benefits besides pay? Is there lots of business? Is there a ton of stress? And overall is it worth it? #doctor #medicine #healthcare #hospital

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Sathish453 views

In which stream i should select in higher studies to become a Cartographer?

I want to become a Cartographer. But, I couldn't know to select my stream in higher studies. Please tell me which stream could i select? #cartographer

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zion462 views

what is the most challenging project you have faced as an electrician??

#highschool senior

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Marla1408 views

what is it like being a nurse?

i'm 15 and i want to go to medical school. #doctor #career-paths

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Shannon524 views

Best piece of advice you can offer about college?

I am looking for the biggest "watch outs" of my freshman year. #Iwillsurvive

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