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Conroe, Texas

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Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail May 12, 2016 2072 views

How do engineers help the world in a way only they can?

Engineering seems to be a very big field, so I guess this question could be answered in different ways depending on the type of engineer. I think I would generally like to know how you, given your field in engineering, think about what changes people like you make in our world. Also I would...

Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail May 12, 2016 1158 views

How has being an engineer improved you as a person?

Hey guys! This question really interest me, especially because I might also become an engineer in the future. I love how it helps others, but I want to see how this career could help me personally. Careers can go beyond just providing a paycheck of course, and I know there are tons of...

Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail May 12, 2016 4507 views

Why is being creative important for engineers?

Hey everyone! I am a current high school sophomore and I am considering becoming an engineer. I'm considering civil engineering, software engineering and nuclear engineering. I have a STEM club at my school, and this is something we were going to talk about in one of our meetings, but our time...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily May 12, 2016 849 views

What typ eof Nursing certificate or degree would give me the best advantage when it come to being hired?

I'm aware that there are several different options, such as a BSN, but I'm not sure which I should aim to acheive. I am graduating high school this month, and as I'm only 16, I know I will be younger than most of my classmates in college when I do get my degree, which will make employers more...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily May 12, 2016 1308 views

Is it extremely difficult to become a professional photographer? What types of qualifications would I need?

I love photography and would love to get a job doing it, even if it was only part-time and in addition to a better paying job. #photography

Emilee’s Avatar
Emilee May 12, 2016 1270 views

What is the best major to choose for students seeking to go to medical school?

Ever since I was a little girl, the only thing I wanted to be was a doctor. Benjamin Carson has been a role model of mine that has inspired me to dream big, work hard, and never give up. I hope to someday attend Johns Hopkins Medical School like he did. However, I want to ensure that I'm...

Jenny’s Avatar
Jenny May 09, 2016 911 views

What are the Top acting universities in Texas?

I really want to attend UCLA but my mom doesn't believe I will be able to since that is out of state.
If I can't go there, what Top acting universities are available here in Texas? #university #acting #film-acting

Jenny’s Avatar
Jenny May 09, 2016 1418 views

How do I start my acting career?

Since I want my career to be acting in TV Shows & films, where do I start?

Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail May 05, 2016 909 views

How would you change your college experience?

I'd like to make my college experience a good one.
#doctor #engineer #nursing #architect

Percy’s Avatar
Percy Mar 17, 2016 3420 views

Are there any similarities between real estate investing and stock market investing?

I want to learn both, so I was wondering if there are any similarities that overlap so that I don't have to learn two completely different investment types. #finance #financial-services #investment-management #real-estate #real-estate-investing

Geoffrey’s Avatar
Geoffrey Mar 17, 2016 1656 views

When did you know you wanted to work in the financial services industry, and what was it that helped you make that decision?

I don't know what I want to do for a living, but I like math and I like studying the stock market. How do I know if I'll like working as an investment manager? #finance #financial-services #investment-management #investing #financial-planning

Randall’s Avatar
Randall Mar 15, 2016 1462 views

I've always been told investing is risky. How do I lower financial risk while still investing in the stock market?

I want to start investing while I'm still in school, but I don't know how safe it is to do so. I know I can't eliminate risk entirely, but how can I better ensure success? I want to get some experience with investing so I can have that when I start trying to get a job someday. That's why I want...

Thu’s Avatar
Thu Mar 15, 2016 2252 views

How do you recommend I overcome my fear of pubilc speaking?

I'm hoping that others who have also had a fear of public speaking were able to overcome it and be successful business people. I get extremely anxious when I ahve to speak at all in class, but feel very confident when working alone or communicating digitally. I'm worried this will interfer with...

Armani’s Avatar
Armani Mar 13, 2016 1099 views

What are the hours of someone working as an investment manager?

How do hours vary depending on seniority? How many hours does a more entry level work require compared to a more senior role? #finance #financial-services #investment-management #investing

Landon’s Avatar
Landon Mar 13, 2016 2010 views

What do you wish someone told you when you were in high school about working in investing?

I don’t know what I don’t know. If you could go back to yourself in high school and give a piece of advice to your younger self to help you prepare for your future, what would it be? #finance #financial-services #investment-management #investing

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