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J. Rinaldo’s Avatar

J. Rinaldo

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Oakland, California
6 Answers
6173 Reads
1 Karma

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Marlene’s Avatar
Marlene Sep 03, 2020 961 views

For those in the medical field, how does your affect your lifestyle?

Also, how did your job affect your lifestyle when you first started out in this field? #APN #APRN #RN #Nurse #LPN #CNA #MD #Doctor #Physician #medicalfield #anesthetist

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas Aug 31, 2020 930 views

What should I keep in mind when choosing a nursing school?

I am a 17-year-old heading into my senior year of high school and plan to go into nursing in the future. I live in Washington State and have been looking at colleges for a while now. I've noticed they all seem to say very similar things. What should I be looking for when determining a school's...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 08, 2020 572 views

What are the benefits becoming an RN?

I'm Jessica. I'm becoming a junior and I'll be looking at colleges for nursing.
#nursing #healthcare

Athena’s Avatar
Athena Aug 22, 2020 1167 views

What was/is your experience been in nursing school? How would you describe it?

Hello! I am a rising junior in high school, and I am certain that going into nursing is something I want to do. More specifically, I want to get my BSN, become a registered nurse, then get my masters and become a nurse practitioner (specialize in sports medicine or orthopedics). I am curious...

Madelynne’s Avatar
Madelynne Jul 29, 2020 1229 views

What is a typical shift like for a labor and delivery nurse?

I am a sophomore in college and just about to start nursing classes, I am excited about nursing as a career and I am leaning towards working in L&D, but I am not sure, because I have not had experience in that area yet and I am unsure what it would be like. #nurse #nursingstudent #JULY20 #JULY

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 806 views

What medical profession do you recommend people to pursue?

#medical-profession #medicine #high-school