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Chase’s Avatar


Chandler, Arizona
8 Questions
511 Karma

Chase’s Career Goals

I want to be in the special forces or a police officer



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Chase Mar 20 662 views

What is the best way to start a career?

In need of a job

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Chase Jan 22 1597 views

what should i major in to be a police officer?

i want ot know

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Chase Jan 22 972 views

how challenging would it be to go through police academy?

i want to be a police officer

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Chase Jan 10 2586 views

How hard is it to be a police officer and how hard is it to pass the police academy?

I might want to be a police officer.

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Chase Dec 06, 2023 1553 views

Do you have to go to West point to get a military degree ?

I want to know

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Chase Dec 04, 2023 2731 views

Do you need specific degrees to be in the military if so what are they?

I want to be in the military and I want to know how

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Chase Nov 27, 2023 313 views

How do I get into politics and what should I do

How do I get into politics is there specific things I can do

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Chase Nov 13, 2023 417 views

where would you go to be in Delta Force?

where would I go to be in Delta force because I just want to know