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Utkarsh Aryan’s Avatar

Utkarsh Aryan

Software Development Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
6 Answers
2501 Reads
1 Karma

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Ziming’s Avatar
Ziming Oct 28, 2024 529 views

Which programming language would be most useful in making a game?

Which programming language would be most useful in making a game? I would like to create a game to improve my programming skills but I don't know which programming language would be best for game development.

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Nov 25, 2024 592 views

What is machine learning?

machine learning

X’s Avatar
X Nov 04, 2024 1505 views

I would like to conduct an interview with a software developer...could someone help me out?

I am a dual-enrolled freshman at Davenport University (in MI, USA) and for one of my assignments I have to create an interview with a professional in my chosen career field: a Software Developer. I have 10 questions that if someone could answer, it would be very appreciated and helpful. 1) How...

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Nov 30, 2024 1150 views

How to write a resume as a 15-year-old?

How do I write a resume as a 15-year-old? I have plenty of volunteer experience but am still lost on how to write one. Some advice would really be helpful

Jayden’s Avatar
Jayden Nov 20, 2024 625 views

Is the software engineering scene cool ?

I'm in 10th grade and I was thinking about heading into the software engineering scene for college, any tips or benefits?

Corey’s Avatar
Corey Nov 21, 2024 359 views

What is the day-by-day lifestyle like as a computer programmer?

I'm interested in understanding how my days would go in this career path.