June Scheben

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How can I find the right college for me based on my interests?
I am only just starting to explore my career path because I'm only in the seventh grade, but I am quite interested in learning about my career. I am interested in the performing arts, fashion industry, dance, and illustration. I would like to find the right major and college for me, doing what...

How to sell my novel to someone ?
I am Noah by name I am looking for a scholarship program for novel writer where I can write my novels and put it there so that I can sell my novel I am in need of the scholarship so that I can be with you so the novel and use it to pay for some of my school fees in my schooling thank you I...

What would you say your creative process is? What inspires your ideas when writing? How long does it typically take for you to finish a book?
I'm Atlas! A student at Job Corps who wants to go into writing.

What if I want two totally different jobs and want to pro-sue both of them?
Robotics/Mechanical Engineer and Acting/writing. I want to do both because I love theater and books, plus I do super well in ELA. But I also really want to do Robotics, kind of like Tony Stark. I really like building mechanical stuff. Should I do one on the side? Please help.

Looking for online courses that deal with concept art/art fundamentals?
Saw a post that asked for recommendations, and I wanted to ask mine here! I'm 17 and looking for classes or courses (free preferred, but anything priced is okay under 100$) that deal with concept art or art fundamentals in general. I'm currently taking an anatomy course off of Udemy, as well...