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Federico Francioni’s Avatar

Federico Francioni

Principal People Experience Designer @Facebook
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Jose, California
3 Answers
4640 Reads
87 Karma



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C’s Avatar
C Mar 12, 2019 1404 views

What are the steps needed to be a UX designer?

From your experience and journey to a UX designer, what online resources & bootcamps you have used to get where you are right now? Which bootcamps or online learning platforms you would recommend for a person w/o much prior knowledge in coding and programming language? Thank you!...

Axel’s Avatar
Axel Jan 14, 2019 1044 views

What is the Employment Outlook for computer programmers?

#computer #computer-science #programming #technology #computer-programming

C’s Avatar
C Jan 08, 2018 2470 views

Can you share your experience as a UX or UI designer? What's like? What takes you there?

Undergraduate student thinking about future career options. I don't really know much about UX or UI Do I need to know programme language before taking UX or UI courses? Major in Psychology ; Want to explore different career options & where to apply psychology knowledge in real world. Any...