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James Hammond’s Avatar

James Hammond

Criminal Investigator at Dallas County District Attorney's Office
Protective Service Occupations
Dallas, Texas
35 Answers
68923 Reads
51 Karma

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CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Dec 12, 2024 615 views

How can I find a scholarship to study crime investigation?

I am seeking a scholarship, especially fully funded. l did A level in business studies, economics and geography. My dream is to study the crime investigating department, which is law reinforcement. I'm located in Zimbabwe.

*Note: This question is asked anonymously by a student.

Lyla (Lyl)’s Avatar
Lyla (Lyl) Oct 12, 2024 311 views

how did you know you wanted to work in law enforcement?

currently I've been binge watching this series called CSI on Hulu. The show is from the 2000s and it has made me want to be a CSI or work as a homicide detective and learn more about the law enforcement field and forensics, my only problem is is that I don't know if this is merely a hyper...

jorge’s Avatar
jorge Oct 02, 2024 459 views

Hey I am 17 yr old looking for advice on anything I could do to get a good start on a career in law enforcement.

I am currently in criminal justice and attended a law enforcement youth academy my plan after high school is to possibly go into corrections as a correctional officer until the age of 21 then go into the police academy so any advice that would help or anything I could take such as other...

Wilmer’s Avatar
Wilmer Aug 29, 2024 404 views

What do you guys think is best for me trying to study criminal justice later on go onto law enforcement and or should I get straight to the point and go to the academy ?

I’m a middle schooler and my grades are kinda good and I’ve been wanting to do law enforcement since I heard my brother might be in law enforcement it sounded good and I wanna do it as well they get paid good enough to maintain yourself and others and it sounds like a fun job that I would...

Sara’s Avatar
Sara Aug 07, 2024 833 views

What organizations can I join (as a volunteer) to gain experience about the law?

I’m a high school student who wants to pursue law as a profession. I have all the extracurriculars, the grades, volunteer hours etc. But none of them are related to anything regarding the law. I know I can’t really do any internships in a law firm or anything of the sort but is there any non...

cameron’s Avatar
cameron Jun 27, 2024 446 views

What type of cardio and or endurance is required to become a deputy for Law enforcement and would walking and jogging about 4-6 miles a day be a good beginning?

should I make my goal higher like 8-10 miles a day or should I go for 10-12 miles because I usually walk and or jog about 8 or so miles a day

Peyton’s Avatar
Peyton Feb 07, 2024 541 views

I am an 8th grader and already stressing about what I want to be, I wanted to be a homicide detective but I saw that I would have to be a police officer and now I'm not so sure, can you help?

I want to be a homicide detective but now I'm just confused and stressed, please help me out.

Robert’s Avatar
Robert Jan 09, 2024 1734 views

what do you do as a patrol officer?

what do you do as a patrol officer?

Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney Oct 08, 2023 420 views

How do you proceed a case if the victims won’t give you any evidence or information?

How do you get your client to share the information you need to win the case

Kaedin’s Avatar
Kaedin Oct 04, 2023 472 views

How can you join the police department and do you have to be a state resident to join the police department

Why does the police officers say 10-4 and other police code talk and why do you have to switch the signrens while going through a intersection and what age can you retire and or you can keep working

Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Oct 03, 2023 1177 views

What is the best and worst part of being a police officer ?

I’m a middle school student who is interested in being a police officer. However, I was wondering if a police officer is the career for me. what are the best and worst parts of being a police officer. What did it take to become a police officer. What was the biggest challenge of becoming a...

Kyler’s Avatar
Kyler Sep 19, 2023 1152 views

When conducting a traffic stop what steps should I do to make sure I and the driver or vice versa, to make sure everyone is safe and in no fear of danger?

I am in chipleys criminal justice 2 program and I am having trouble understanding this process.

serine’s Avatar
serine Aug 22, 2023 9045 views

after i’m a police officer how do i become a homicide detective?

i’m so confused do i go to school while i’m an officer or what? plus what’s the college degree do i need

Connor’s Avatar
Connor May 15, 2023 508 views

Is law enforcement worth it?

Im in 9th grade and trying to decide what specialty program to take is working in law enforcement fun and exciting? Is it a dynamic environment that feels rewarding?

Autumn’s Avatar
Autumn May 01, 2023 18704 views

Is it hard to become an investigator/detective without previously being a cop? And what majors would be beneficial for pursuing this career?

I know that a lot of investigators are or were police and worked to rank up to that position. I want to go into his field without joining the police. As for majors, I know criminal justice and law are good starts but what about psychology? Other than this career, I would love to go into...