Career questions tagged career-exploration

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Peyton389 views

I am an 8th grader and already stressing about what I want to be, I wanted to be a homicide detective but I saw that I would have to be a police officer and now I'm not so sure, can you help?

I want to be a homicide detective but now I'm just confused and stressed, please help me out.

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Amanda411 views

How can you get involved in farming?

I am a 10th grader in high school and I am interested in farming, but I want to try it out before I go to college for it. What are some ways that I can get involved while still in high school?

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CareerVillage Office Hours767 views

How should younger students go about exploring potential careers?

How can students in middle school or younger start learning about careers, especially if they don't have adults they can turn to? This question comes from our professionals series

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CareerVillage Office Hours550 views

What is your career and what are the traits and skills you use to be successful?

this is part of our professionals series

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CareerVillage Office Hours2017 views

What is a mistake you made in work that turned into a learning experience ?

How do you use that learning in your life now? This is part of our professionals series

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Kecie501 views

What career should I go into that could help someone physically or mentally but is also high paying?

I'm in 9th grade (14) I enjoy helping people in any way I can.

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Vy545 views

How can I explore what I am interested in and want to do in the future?

I ask this because I don't know what I want to do yet.

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Robin489 views

When and how do you decide what you would like to do for the rest of your life, especially when it comes to picking your major?

It is extremely stressful to try and determine what specific thing a person can do for the rest of their life that will make them happy. I do not want to choose the wrong job or major and find out that I actually am no longer interested in that subject anymore. I am worried that I will go through school thinking I am interested in something and once I obtain an actual occupation that adheres to that major or subject, I will no longer love what I am doing. How do I know what will make me happy but will also be enough to take care of a family with?

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Genevieve579 views

How can a homeschool student explore different careers?

My family recently moved, and our new hometown doesn't have as many resources for homeschoolers as our previous one. My brother is gradating next year, and I want to help him explore different careers and make a good decision. What are ways for him to explore careers in a first hand experience and network with professionals?

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Cody559 views

What job should is good for someone who is ESTP on the Myers Briggs?

What job should i look for?

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Matt1051 views

what are some examples of hands-on careers that have a relatively flexible schedule?

I'm still in high school and I have no clue what I want to do career-wise. really any examples of careers that follow that kind of structure would be cool.

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Emma505 views

What are some careers, that are fun and interesting every day?

I am a 15 year old that doesn't know what I want to do yet, but I want to like my job and I love to have fun.

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cheyenne524 views

If my strengths are powerful personality and my hobbies are chilling with friends,what type of carrer or industries might best fit me?

I need to know how hard of a mentality i have to have because dealing with people in that work force how strong u have to be for it and is it okay to have a weakness

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Mia1460 views

What jobs are slow paced and also high paying?

(Prefer 6 figures or close to)

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Rainey431 views

I’d like to work in a career/job that helps people and does not require regular drug tests for marijuana. What kind of jobs should I consider?

I want to make a difference and help people without having to change my lifestyle #career-exploration #cannabis

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Taisha1193 views

What should i major in if I'm looking to invest in real-estate or accounting?

#real-estate #major #career-exploration #accounting

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Tamra1374 views

test about personality

I heard there was a free test to take about your personality and interests to help you decide upon a career but I don't know the name. #undecided #career-exploration #career-counseling

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Jay802 views

What factors did you consider when you started your research into your current career field, what did you find the most important factor when you did said research?

#research #health-care #career #career-exploration

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Alexandra1249 views

How do you ask an institution or professional for shadowing opportunities?

I am currently a college psychology student. There is a particular clinical institution that I would be interested in doing some shadowing at. My problem is that I'm not sure how to ask if shadowing opportunities are available when I have no prior relationship with the institution. My target institution does not list contact information for specific staff members. The only way I can contact them is by showing up at their location (which I am able to do), or by phone, which are typically for referrals (this institution mostly provides counseling services.) The reason I wish to shadow is to build a relationship with the institution to allow for a possible future internship. I also would like to experience what some of these professionals do on a day-to-day basis because I might end up liking this area of my major. How do I present myself as a desirable shadowing candidate when I'm going in cold? And how exactly do I ask for this type of opportunity? Thanks! #psychology #clinical-psychology #therapy #job-shadowing #networking #professional-development #career-planning #career-exploration #communication-skills

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Belen917 views

Does a person stop taking required classes after their sophomore year in college?

I was wondering if college allows you to explore classes within your degree field or is it just required classes you need to take. #college #career-choice #classes #requirements #career-exploration

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Cody1711 views

What are some good places to find inspiration?

I am 19 and have been out of high school for a year. At first I just wanted to work for a while and get my savings account up. Now that some time has passed I find myself under pressure to make some more serious strides towards my future but I don't really seem to have much to work for. Money, freedom, peace, knowledge, accomplishment... It all sounds nice but the only goal I can make with certainty is that I don't want to fail. So where would be some good places to find something to work toward. #career-path #motivation #career-exploration #priorities

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London1789 views

I am wondering what would be a good job to have when you're planning to start a family?

I am asking this question because my teacher wants us to know what job we want to have when we grow up. #fashion #career-paths #family #career-exploration

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