Career questions tagged expenses

What are good ways to save/make money?
I know we all have a hard time with money and school and bills. Does anyone have some good advice on how to save and then continue to save. I have had a savings account for a good year now and it just seems like I am not making enough money to even put money in my savings account. and how do you deal with not being able to do something because of your financial status? How can we socialize and be happy when all these bills and school work keep falling down on us. #money #saving #expenses #college #job #financial-planning #personal-finance #money-management

What is the best way to earn cash for college?
I have never liked the idea of using loans. I have earned several scholarships from the college where I've been accepted for the fall semester and most of my tuition is paid. However, there are still some expenses left before I can say everything is covered. What is the best way to earn more scholarship/grant money for college? #cash #college-bound #college-advice #college #scholarships #cashforcollege #expenses #college-tuition

If one is considering the armed forces, should they apply before or after college?
I am considering the armed forces once my studies are over, but am not sure I am going about this in the right order. #college #medicine #military #double-major #forensics #career-advice #expenses

Is spending 8 years learning really worth becoming a doctor?
Right now, I'm a sophomore in high school and very often people ask me who I want to be after college. My response had usually been a doctor, but after doing some research about the job, I understand that becoming an actual doctor is a very rocky step. I feel like a lot of time is needed, as well as a lot of financial resources to finish college and then medical school. As well, I understand that after med school I will need to spend another 2-4 years as an intern and then possibly more to specialize in something. So, I'm just wondering whether in the end it will be worth it, because if I do choose this path I feel like the next 12, or so years of my life I will be a student and possibly not earning enough to adequately support myself and pay the school debts. #doctor #medical-school #student-loans #learning #debt #expenses

What is the average amount of loans students have to pay off at the end of their bachelor degree?
I am a high school senior and am deciding between going to a private university or a state university. If I decide to attend the private school, I would need to take out some loans, and I was wondering what the average loan looks like for a student pursuing a bachelor degree, so I can get a better idea about what a reasonable loan looks like. #bachelors #loans #tuition #expenses

How much money does a typical photographer spend on equipment every year?
I'm a senior in high school and I've been looking into photography as a potential career. I'm aware this career requires a lot of equipment. However, in my research I was not able to find a specific amount of money one has to spend on the required equipment. Is it possible for someone to break down the potential costs for me? #photography #photographer #expenses