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Alaina Hyde’s Avatar

Alaina Hyde

Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Oakland, California
7 Answers
7058 Reads
21 Karma

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Cyann’s Avatar
Cyann May 26, 2016 1009 views

Do high end colleges and universities look better on your credentials when you are applying for a job?

Depending on m,y career route I would like to get a job based on my major so this question will help me when choosing a college. #job #people

Bubacarr’s Avatar
Bubacarr Feb 24, 2021 1054 views

What are good colleges to go for engineering?

#technology, #computers, #engineering

Amtul’s Avatar
Amtul Apr 29, 2016 1159 views

What job pay the most/have the best benefits?

What job pay the most/have the best benefits? #doctor #engineer #teacher #lawyer #physician #artist #hr

Kiat’s Avatar
Kiat Mar 05, 2019 546 views

What kind of technicals should I expect in a finance interview with a tech firm?

Do tech companies ask technical questions during the interview process (if going for a finance position)?

If so, what sorts of technical questions should I prepare for in my interview prep?


Nikita’s Avatar
Nikita Apr 28, 2016 1269 views

I am currently an unpaid intern at Make-A-Wish foundation in volunteer services. How will this help me get a job especially in healthcare?

I have done my Master's in Psychology from India and currently living in California. Trying to secure a job. #psychology #guidance-counselor #non-profit #healthcare-industry

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Feb 16, 2017 1498 views

What is the best way to prepare a resume when you are changing fields and have a new degree?

I just want to know if there is a different way to prepare the resume to highlight the new education and desire to get into that field rather than falling back on your old jobs. I am looking for a career, not just a job. I want to dedicate myself but I need to know how to get recognized and...

Urvi’s Avatar
Urvi May 01, 2020 3520 views

Whats a good profession if you like talking to people and have tech background

#tech #suggestions #friendly #lovetalking #curious