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Yadiel’s Avatar
Yadiel Sep 28, 2017 690 views

What is the best way to recieve grants and scholarships to be able to go to school?

I'm asking because I'm trying to go back to school and I'm afraid I won't get enough money for financial aid.
#scholarships #Grants

Denisia’s Avatar
Denisia May 11, 2016 903 views

What careers can you pursue with a bachelor's in Genetics?

#genetics #science #college #higher-education #career #career-counseling

kevin’s Avatar
kevin May 14, 2016 1307 views

Does a knack of painting provide me with any potential job opportunities.

I love art and want to make painting my profession. #artists #art #painting #fine-art #college #career

Archived’s Avatar
Archived Aug 16, 2016 738 views

If you went to TCU, what do you think got you into that college?

I am applying for TCU and I want to know what it takes to be accepted. #tcu-graduate #tcu-undergraduate #college #college-admissions