Career questions tagged insight

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Gideon672 views

what is the most dangerous things that electricians deal with? what kind of tools will you work with when doing commercial diving? what are some of the more difficult things that commercial & industrial designers do?

I want to know why I asked this question because I am thinking of going into these careers and what the risks are.

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sophia979 views

School Struggles: Big Goals?

Hello, I'm a 14-year-old high school student facing some challenges with attendance and grades. I've had a history of truancy and a few suspensions, and I'm currently struggling in some classes. Despite this, I'm determined to aim for admission to either Choate Rosemary Hall or Phillips Exeter Academy. I'm aware my current situation may seem like a stretch, but I'm committed to improving during my freshman and sophomore years with the goal of applying during my junior year. I'd appreciate any advice or insights from those familiar with these schools or experienced in admissions.

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sophia788 views

Why is it so embarrassing to start a sport?

Hi, I'm 14 and thinking of trying a sport, but it feels a bit embarrassing when I see younger kids who've been at it longer and are better. Any advice on this? Thinking about ballet, horseback riding, or karate.

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hannah474 views

hair and nail question?

“what”, is interesting about being a hair or nail stylist?

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daena785 views

What made you want to become an esthetician?

Where you always passionate about being in this industry?

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sophia591 views

Help with School Struggles?

Hi. I'm a 14-year-old in high school and I've been struggling a lot. I've got a history of truancy and most of my grades aren't great. Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one dealing with this and that it's going to hold me back forever. Has anyone else been through something similar? Any advice on how to handle this and get through school?

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Eric731 views

How did you know when you chose the career that best suited you?

Everyone has a dream job, but not every dream job goes exactly how it is thought to be in one's head. As a student with high aspirations and a vast imagination, I've found that the careers that I thought I wanted to pursue, were going to be life-changing, and I would finally be satisfied with my contribution to the world. However, once I actually started working in the field I once praised, I quickly began to realize that this was not the path I wanted to continue on in my life. I now know the feeling of knowing what I don't want to do in the "real world", but how do I know what I do want to do ultimately when the time comes? #dreamjob #lifechanges #newexperiences #insight

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