Career questions tagged moneyforcollege

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Rashmitha289 views

What strategies can help me be financially stable early on?

I've noticed my parents always struggling with finances due to their spending habits and lack of financial understanding. I want to avoid this for myself at all costs and was wondering how I can implement good saving and financial habits early on to avoid falling into the same debt situation myself. I want to live without worrying about money but also have the ability to spend on wants occasionally. I will start college Fall of 2025 and I will be paying for college all alone with perhaps some financial aid from college because of cutting contact from my parents and not having parental support for separate reasons. However, I still want to make good financial decisions so I don't spend my life in crushing loans and debt. I have no knowledge of finances, cards or banking related stuff, so I would love to learn all there is to know.

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Alyssa314 views

What are the best scholarship opportunities to pursue if i'm interested in studying abroad for a semester? #Spring23

I want to study abroad at least once in my college years. I think it would be very interesting to get immersed in another culture an out my view of the world into a new perspective! Unfortunately the means to make this happen is a little difficult and i'm curious if there is any scholarship opportunities out there that could provide some extra assistance! #Spring23

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Maryuri640 views

Is it a good idea to go to a private college even if I don't have enough money to pay it? Should I go to a state university or city college?

I applied to several colleges and I haven't decided yet where to go. The thing is I don't have enough money and I didn't received enough money from scholarships.

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Tevin776 views

How much do public colleges and universities cost per year on average in a 4 year program?

I'm interested in starting to save for college but I don't know how much to start begin with. I'm also hoping that I can get a decent number of scholarships to help lessen the financial strain on me and my family.

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Emily746 views

What is the best way to pay soon-to-be college debt?

I really just don't want to be poor int he future and would like to know of any plans that might help. #desperate #moneyforcollege #debt #college-debt #poor

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Eva647 views

What are the best websites and resources to go to when searching for scholarships? How exactly would you know that they are real and not fake?

Money isn't something that can just pop out of anywhere. When it comes to college, I want to be able to go without worrying about the debt AFTER. Scholarships are something highly important and I would love to know the right resources. #scholarships #debt? #moneyforcollege

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Luke708 views

How difficult is it to reapply for scholarships?

I am worried I can’t afford to pay my way through all my years of college education. #moneyforcollege #financial-planning #money-management #college

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Cori779 views

Has anyone been successful with scholarships posted on Fastweb and other search sites? #moneyforcollege

Continue to have difficulty with finding money for college. #moneyforcollege #financial-aid #scholarships #college

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Cori601 views

Where can I find real scholarship information for paying for college?

There are so many that I’ve applied for and have not heard back. It makes me think that they are not real. #moneyforcollege #college-advice #financial-planning

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