David Deshaies

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what is it like being an police officer?
what is it like at the academy for police training?
how hard was it to get through?
is it difficult being an officer on patrol?
how can i be ready for when i’m able to join the academy?
what is it like being an officer?
is it scary?

Do you have to go to college to be a police detective, and if so how much is the average pay for detectives?
I am still in high school but haven't really thought or talked about college, but I am interested in being a detective for the police. I'm not really sure if you have to go to college for it and I'm not sure how much they get paid. Help, please!

College programs for investigators?
Where are good colleges with good programs for being a crime scene investigator?

What in the criminal justice system did you feel that you were not prepared for or wish you knew more about before entering?
What in the criminal justice system did you feel that you were not prepared for or wish you knew more about before entering?

1. what is the working conditions for security???
my future job is a swat officer and be a team player with the swat team!!!!

Could I live my life with a security salary?
Would a career in security ensure I live a moderately comfortable and financially secure life?

How can I make a good first impression?
In the past, I've always done my best to be presentable during job interviews but I could never seem to get one in the can, and I have a feeling the way I make myself out to look has something to do with it. Any tips?

Law or medicine?
I don’t know what to do as I love the debating side of law for justice (which I absolutely enjoy and is a natural talent for me) but I love medicine as I am always interested in helping out any family members or anyone out if they are in pain. For instance, my mum has really bad lower back pain...

What would be some struggles I will face while studying for criminal justice?
I want to know what would be complicated and/or any problem someone could go through in that.

what would be good places to study criminal justice?
I see so many places but its hard to know which one is better for you.

Career Path to the FBI
Hello, I was trying to figure out the best way to get on a career path to the FBI, Im majoring in Information Technology with a focus in cyber security, and I love to travel as well. So was just wanting some advice on that

I am interested in becoming a police officer
#1: What are the values your company upholds that makes them employers that you want to work for?
#2: What values does a company look for in a person they are hiring?
#3: How do you stay motivated as a police officer day-by-day?

Becoming A Police Detective
I am very interested in becoming a Police detective, what are the specific details to becoming a Police Detective and what are the step by step actions I have to take to succeed in this occupation? I am currently 17 and I am in Job Corps.

To become a police patrol officer do you have to go through training?
I am wondering if I would have to go through police training such as a police academy, or if the security, and advanced security, through job corp would be sufficient.