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Martin Mankus’s Avatar

Martin Mankus

Senior Consultant
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
San Jose, California
5 Answers
8232 Reads
21 Karma

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Hasan’s Avatar
Hasan Jun 07, 2024 1604 views

How can I, a marine engineer officer, transition from my current sea-based role to a shore-based career I am particularly interested in finding a remote job and would appreciate advice on which industries might be a good fit for my skills and experience.?

I have tried digital marketing, project management but cant figure out what is better for me. these fields or others.

Zion’s Avatar
Zion Jun 08, 2023 1377 views

What is the tech industry like? What technical / soft skills are needed in the field? How can I prepare myself in such a oversaturated field??

I'm an sophomore majoring in computer science and data science. I basic knowledge in python, java, web development, sql, and swift.

Celso’s Avatar
Celso Jun 07, 2023 2150 views

what do need to do to get a degree on computer science?

in 2-3 years I'm going to graduate highschool and I want to get a degree for computer science

Celso’s Avatar
Celso Jun 07, 2023 1403 views

Could building a computer be called a job?

I'm very passionate about it, but among them, building computers is my favorite because I enjoy putting things together. However, I'm worried that nowadays almost anyone can build a computer by themselves and without their assistance

’s Avatar
Jun 08, 2023 1942 views

how important is a top uni?

as a current junior