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San Jose, California
18 Questions
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Ben Aug 13, 2016 1725 views

What major(s) and minor(s) in college should I pursue to get into the sports entertaiment industry?

I'm studying economics in college but I'm also considering a minor in either advertising or communications. What majors (or minors) will help me the most? #sports #broadcast-media #sports-media #espn #televison #sport-entertainment

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Ben Aug 12, 2016 2209 views

What do you recommend I do to become a professional sports photographer?

I would love to know how to get a job working on the field of a professional sports game (a NFL game perhaps?) as a photographer. I have a passion for sports and I especially love football. It would be a dream come true to photograph games. I am a junior in college at San Jose State. Any...

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Ben Aug 11, 2016 2122 views

What does it take to be on the marketing team on ESPN?

I am a college student interested in pursuing a career in marketing and I love sports! ESPN seems like it would be a great fit for me. Can somebody give some insights? I would love to hear from someone who works there! #college #sports #television #sports-marketing #espn #sport-network